KEBA 备货充足,保证供货
- 10.4.2020
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As an internationally active company, which is also strongly represented in Asia, the topic of Corona Virus has been with us since January. Our colleagues at KEBA China have already successfully restarted their production after the extended vacation on the occasion of the Chinese New Year. Our five subsidiaries in China have been back in normal operation for some time!
As a result of the continuous coordination with KEBA China, we also established a Corona task force in Europe at a very early stage. The objective of this task force is to protect our employees as best as possible and to maintain our production and customer support. Extensive measures were quickly taken not only in Austria, also in all our subsidiaries - whether in Italy, Germany, Romania, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, the Netherlands, South Korea, Taiwan and Japan, Turkey or the USA.
Special thanks are due to our production staff at all individual locations, who ensure that we are able to produce and deliver in each of these Corona crisis weeks.
Our service technicians are working especially in the area of critical infrastructure and make sure that the systems are running or are put into operation.
In Austria, more than 500 employees currently work in their home office and are in constant dialogue with our customers, partners and suppliers. Even if this is not the time for face-to-face contact, we are constantly in touch with our customers with the help of state-of-the-art technology.
We can be reached without restriction: still in the classic way by e-mail or telephone and virtual meetings allow us to overcome the "prescribed" distance very easily.
The procurement situation is still very tense. A special task force has been working for weeks to manage the supply chains. So far we have been able to handle all challenges and we hope that we will continue to be successful.
The situation, which none of us have ever experienced in this way, means a great deal of effort and many uncertainties. We have organized ourselves to remain capable of acting in this dynamic situation. We are continuing to do everything possible to maintain our operations and meet our obligations and to support our customers and partners as best we can.
We would like to thank all of our worldwide employees for their great commitment and their team spirit during this time! We would also like to thank our customers and partners for their trust in KEBA and the excellent cooperation in this challenging situation!