Application process at KEBA
What is the application process about?
To get to know each other. It's not just us who decide whether you're a good fit for us, but vice versa. We take the time to get to know you and answer your questions.
What we would like to convey to you during this time: That it is very important to us at KEBA to treat each other as equals, with trust and appreciation, and ideally in an uncomplicated and down-to-earth manner.
Steps in the application process

1. Your application will reach us
When you send your application, we receive it in our application system. Our recruiters will review it and match your profile with suitable positions. We will give you feedback as soon as possible.

2. Erstes Kennenlernen
If we think we might be a good match, we will invite you to an initial meeting by phone. This usually takes place online (via MS Teams) and we will send you an appointment. We will tell you more about us and want to get to know you better. We will then get back to you in good time and let you know what happens next.
Who will be present at this interview?
A representative of our People, Culture & Structure Team and one or two colleagues from the relevant department.
How long should you plan for the interview?
1 to 1.5 hours
What is the dress code?
Uncomplicated yet professional - this applies to our entire application process! In concrete terms, this means that you can do without a tie and business suit, but you should still keep your shorts in the closet ;-)

3. Second acquaintance
Both sides agree that we should get to know each other better? Then we invite you to a second round. This will give you the chance to get to know your potential new colleagues and the workplace on site. We will also be happy to answer any questions you may have.
What is important to us:
Your skills - in addition to your professional qualifications, please also show us something about yourself as a person!
Are you traveling from further away? Please let us know and we will support you.
How long should you plan for the interview?
Around 2 hours

4. Decision
In the final step, we obtain feedback from all those involved and reflect on the joint discussions. It is now also up to you to take stock and make a decision. We will inform you of our decision by telephone and explain the reasons for any rejection or, if you are accepted, clarify the next steps.
Now it's your turn!
Are you curious and want to get to know KEBA and the KEBAner:innen? We look forward to receiving your application!
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