Chinaplas 2021 in Retrospect
Thank you for a successful fair!
Because technology matters
Performance, experience, speed! Be on the top with KePlast, you can rely on cutting-edge solutions – because technology matters!
For the first time, Chinaplas 2021 took place in Shenzhen, as one of the few physical fairs since the beginning of the pandemic an absolute highlight! Although, as expected, not with as much international participation as usual, there was an increase of more than 23% in Chinese visitors with almost 150,000 in 4 days compared to the last Chinaplas 2019. This picture reflects the increase in Chinese economic performance – the economy is growing more than ever.
The KEBA team proudly presented the full range of KePlast systems for perfectly controlling plastics machines, including the new KePlast i3000 with unique multitouch technologies and other innovative technology features – because technology matters.
Thank you for your visit!
We are looking forward to meeting you at Chinaplas 2022 in Shanghai.
KEBA Booth Highlights:
- Innovative KePlast portfolio – optimized for the entire plastics industry
- Powerful Linux-based platform & technology features
- KePlast i1100: Top performance for hydraulic IMMs
- Modular hard- & software incl. controls with OPC UA & EUROMAP 77
- Worldwide process monitoring & connectivity for maximum productivity
- KePlast i3000: Modern multitouch with established keyboards

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