KeContact Recovery-Key

Lost your login data?

No problem, simply send us an enquiry using the following e-mail template.
We need the following information:

  • your serial number
  • a copy of the invoice
  • a picture of the rating plate, if applicable

As soon as we have received your request, we will send you a new password recovery key.

Please note that this configuration set is only available for the KeContact P30 x-series, PV Edition and company car wallbox, not for the c-series.

This is what the type plate looks like - you can either send us a photo of it or copy the information highlighted in yellow on the picture:

There was an error

Please contact us directly via email at [email protected].

Your request was submitted successfully

Thank you for your request. Our KEBA Customer Support will get in touch with you soon.

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KEBA - Automation by innovation.