Pricing Information
KEBA eMobility App & Portal
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) services
Our cloud-based software solution KEBA eMobility Portal is provided to you via the Internet as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and enables the management, monitoring and control of KEBA KeContact P30 and P40 wallboxes. The KEBA eMobility App is available for download in the Google PlayStore and the Apple AppStore.
The offer includes the software connection of your charging station(s) to our IT infrastructure, the use of the KEBA eMobility Portal and App, and access to the corresponding services.
The SaaS services include in detail
basic functions of the App and the Portal
Functions of the KEBA eMobility Portal and App:
- Overview of all connected KEBA charging stations
- Start / stop of the current charging session
- Setting the maximum charging power
- Viewing the current status of the charging station: charging, ready to charge, waiting, etc.
- Viewing details of the current charging session: time, energy charged, current charging power, etc.
- View details of each charge point (name, serial number, tags, last charging session, number of all charging sessions so far, total energy charged so far (kWh), registered RFID cards, software version,...)
- Display of charging sessions as a table: start/stop time, duration, serial number of the charging station, RFID card number, charged energy (kWh) (if you are not registered, the x-series, PV-Edition and company car wallbox will display the charging sessions of the last 90 days or 200 charging sessions and the c-series will display the last 30 charging sessions)
- Display of charging sessions as graph: kWh per year, month, week
- Add / remove a charge points
- Restart of a charge point (not possible with c-series)
- Settings (similar to webinterface)
- Tagging and filtering of charge points
- User management incl. assignment of different user roles and rights
- Local export of charging sessions (as .pdf or .csv)
- Automated charge point update (not necessary for c-series)
- PV surplus charging incl. settings for external energy meters and phase switches
- Boost function (temporary charging with maximum charging power)
The following functions are only to be found in the Portal:
- Configuring and applying power profiles
- Setting up a charging network (x-series as master and c-series as client)
- Manage, add and remove RFID cards
- Automated Charge Reports via e-mail
The following functions are only to be found in the App:
- Setup guide (for initial setup and connecting to a charge point)
- Overview, adding & removing RFID cards (not possible with c-series)
The use of the Portal and the App with its basic functions is generally free of charge for private end users and for up to two registered wallboxes. For more registered wallboxes and for additional features, monthly fees will be charged by separate agreement. Furthermore, additional features that go beyond the basic functions can be purchased via the Portal and the App in the future.
In deviation from the above, the Portal can be used in 2024 without any fees and for any number of registered wallboxes; only then will a payment obligation come into force after notification by KEBA. The date of entry into force of the payment obligation will be communicated in good time and in advance - probably in the course of 2025. Please note that the prices quoted here are subject to change. KEBA reserves the right to adjust these prices if necessary to take account of economic changes and market fluctuations. KEBA advises its customers to visit the website regularly to stay informed of the latest prices.
Customer prerequisites
- Existence of a properly installed and connected KEBA KeContact charge point (P40, P40 Pro, P30 x-series company car wallbox, PV Edition or P30 c-series) with corresponding connectivity (the use of the KEBA eMobility Portal is not possible for P30 c-series wallboxes in stand-alone operation).
- Serial number of the charge point(s) to be connected, webinterface or RestAPI password, possibly password of the charge point hotspot; for P40 additionally the Bluetooth PIN, the user or installer password.
- The connection of third-party hardware (third-party manufacturers) is excluded.
More information about the technical requirements can be found at: www.keba.com/emobility-faqs
Basic functions of the KEBA eMobility App and Portal
Management, monitoring and control of charge points
- Overview, control and configuration of charge points
- Overview and statistics of charging sessions
- Software update of charge points
- tagging and filtering
- Export of charging sessions
- User administration
- RFID card management
- Configuration of charging profiles
- PV excess charging incl. boost function
- Automated Charge Reports
Charge points* | 0-2 | 3-4 | 5-8 | 9-16 | 17-40 | 41-100 | 101-200 | 201-400 | 401-600 | ab 601 |
monthly fee EUR (net)** | € 0,- | € 10,- | € 20,- | € 40,- | € 75,- | € 150,- | € 260,- | € 400,- | € 500,- | Contact us! |

Thank you for your request. Our KEBA Customer Support will get in touch with you soon.
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