KEBA KeContact P30 ME
New: Mess- und Eichrecht conform wall box
German Mess-und Eichrecht is so easy with KEBA
Billing of charging current in kWh
Previously, there were different options for billing charging sessions. For example, providers charged the charging time or used flat rates, which meant that a comprehensible calculation of the electricity actually charged was not always possible. With the coming into force of the German Mess- und Eichrecht, billing may now only be based on consumption. This means that users are billed for the exact amount of electricity that they have charged.
Mess- und Eichrecht lays down numerous requirements for the hardware and software as well as regulations and procedures so that this consumption-related billing can be guaranteed. Declared objectives are exact energy measurement, traceability and security against manipulation. Our new KeContact P30 ME wall box fulfils all these requirements, regulations, procedures and objectives in accordance with Mess- und Eichrecht.
Our KEBA KeContact P30 ME wall box is a real world first, because it itself is a certified energy meter. Therefore, no additional components are required as measuring instruments. The charged energy can be displayed directly on the integrated LED display and easily read by the user.

Your advantages
Easy to Use
Our Mess- und Eichrecht wall box is available in every variant of the KeContact P30 product range and offers user-friendly features in all functions.
The simple installation, commissioning and configuration of our KeContact P30 ME helps to save time and money.
The long-term memory that is integrated in the wall box enables a local charging solution that complies with Eichrecht, which means that billing can be carried out inexpensively without a backend system.
At the end of the charging session, the energy actually charged by the user is shown immediately on the LED display of the wall box in kWh.
The relevant data (wall box ID, user ID, session energy) is stored locally in the certified long-term memory.
A signed data record is automatically forwarded to the operator's backend for invoicing.
Using the uniform transparency software, the customer can check the correctness of the data record at home.
Security of investment
Confirmed by numerous certifications: Through our own development and production, we offer the highest brand quality.
The certified production process of the wall boxes, which comply with Mess- und Eichrecht, enables high volume production.
With our regular and free-of-charge software updates, charging stations can always be kept up to date.
Our KeContact P30 ME wall box is compatible with all common backend systems.
Besuchen Sie uns!

Auf der eltefa 2019 in Stuttgart haben Sie die Möglichkeit, sich mit unseren Experten über MID-Zeritifizierung, Verrechnung von Ladestrom und Eichrecht auszutauschen und unsere Ladestationen live zu erleben.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!
eltefa 2019
20. bis 23. März 2019
Stuttgart, Deutschland
KEBA Stand 10F71
We've got them both!
A real highlight: Our ME wall box is available both as a socket variant and as a cable variant. So we can meet all our customers' requirements with just one product in different configurations.
KeContact P30 ME
with a socket

KeContact P30 ME
with a fixed cable

We are happy to provide you with our presentation, in which you can find out more about our Mess- und Eichrecht KeContact P30 ME wall box. Also available as a download: The type examination certificate MessEV (Module B) as well as our declaration of conformity.
In our comprehensive support center you will find many other documents such as data sheets, operating and installation manuals. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: Simply fill out the contact form and we will get back to you shortly.

Thank you for your request. Our KEBA Customer Support will get in touch with you soon.
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