Application possibilities for the KeBin S10 access system
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- 2.2.2023
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Advantages of the KeBin Access System
In contrast to systems that work with chip cards, access to the KeBin access system is via bank or debit card. This has several advantages over conventional systems:
- A separate card or chip is not necessary. On the one hand, this saves valuable resources, and on the other hand, the costs for cards or chips can be saved.
- The system is DSGVO-compliant: No personal data is requested or stored, it is only checked whether the card is basically approved for access.
- Access can be released or blocked individually and very flexibly. For example, individual card numbers can be blocked or cards can be authorised for specific periods of time.

The KeBin S10 access system works with a bank or debit card
Examples of flexible access via bank/debit card
Access to the office building of a large company
A large company uses the KeBin access system as a security system for access to the office building. Generally, access to the building is only possible with a registered debit card. When a new employee joins the company, his or her card is authorised for access and can be blocked again when the employee leaves the company. During office hours, access is permitted for all registered cards. Extended access times have been set for certain staff members. For example, cleaning staff can enter the building after office hours. The same applies to the company's board members: they have access to the office building at all times.
Access to a 24/7 farm shop
The farm shop of a farm relies on the KeBin access system. The reason: an incident of vandalism that caused considerable damage to the shop's equipment. As a result, a possibility was sought to make access more binding for the shoppers. One variant that makes this possible is access control by debit card. In principle, all cards are accepted for access to the shop - every day and around the clock. However, in the event of misuse, theft or other incidents, the person can be traced and their card blocked.
Access to a rural bank branch
A small bank branch uses the KeBin S10 access system to restrict access to the foyer at certain times. During the day, anyone with a debit card can enter the branch to withdraw money. At night, between 22:00 and 05:00, access is restricted exclusively to customers of the bank branch.
How the KeBin S10 access system works
If a bank or debit card is held up to the card module of the KeBin access system or inserted into the module, the card number is queried immediately. The system checks whether it is a valid card or a counterfeit. If the card is valid, the system then checks whether the card number is stored in the system as active or whether it has been blocked. If the card is valid and active, KeBin S10 allows access. If it is a forged or blocked card, access is denied.
Case Study: Gallners Genusshof-Haltestelle
The Gallner family has been running their "Genusshof Haltestelle" directly on the Wolfener Bundesstraße between Linz and Steyr since the end of 2021 - and very successfully at that. Christoph Gallner, owner of the "Genusshof Haltestelle", sees two main reasons for this: On the one hand, the high-quality products from own production in combination with the convenient location. On the other hand, the simple access and payment option, realised with the KeBin S10 access system.

Ein Bankmitarbeiter wechselt die Papierrolle im Inneren des Cash-Recyclers.
KeBin S10 is the perfect access solution for Gallner's Genusshof Haltestelle
Case Study: "GenussKistl"
With the "GenussKistl", Barbara Schmidt and Robert Kurka have fulfilled a dream and created a lovingly decorated gourmet paradise for regional, peasant specialities. Access to the 24/7 self-service shop is via the KeBin S10 access system. Together with the installed video surveillance, shopping in the "GenussKistl" is always safe - regardless of the time of day or other people in the shop.

Ein Bankmitarbeiter wechselt die Papierrolle im Inneren des Cash-Recyclers.
The assortment in the GenussKistl is perfectly protected.
Many possible applications for the KeBin access system
The examples and case studies show the various possible applications of the KeBin S10 access system - and these are by no means all.
Would you also like to secure your office building, your self-service shop or another building with an access system? Contact us to discuss your options. With our expertise and our flexible and secure system, we will also find the right solution for your application.