Cash Recycler vs. ATM: How to make the right decision

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With regard to economic aspects, the question may arise in the course of purchasing a new device as to which variant is better: cash recycler or atm? There is no simple answer to this question, because the decision for or against one of the two devices depends on several factors.

Differences between cash recycler and atm

The ATM fulfills exactly one function in banking: it allows customers to withdraw money, without having to visit a counter. Since this is a proven and mature technology and no additional functionalities are available, the ATM is the cheaper option.

In addition to cash dispensing, the Cash Recycler has other very important functionalities: Customers can use it not only to deposit cash into their accounts, but also to make cash transfers. Coin deposits are also possible. Complex hardware and software solutions are required to combine all these functions in a single device. This makes the cash recycler more expensive than a simple ATM.

Cash Recycler lassen sich einfach und intuitiv bedienen

Cash Recycler scores with extensive functionality and simple and intuitive handling

Cash recycler or cash dispenser? These are the points you should consider

Before purchasing a new unit, it is important to analyze the store's catchment area in detail:

  • What transactions are carried out in the branch?

  • Is money only withdrawn or is it also deposited?

  • Do deposits often take place after the branch has closed?

  • How many tradespeople are there in the catchment area?

  • How much time do bank employees spend on transactions that could also be automated?

Cash recyclers work more economically

Efficiency and economy play an essential role in bank branches. This is where the cash recycler comes into its own, because it automates many banking transactions, moves them away from the counter to the self-service machine and relieves the workload on bank employees. They, in turn, can focus on other tasks and have much more time for advisory tasks - for example, in the lending or investment business.

Businesses in the surrounding area are a decision-making factor

If there are many business owners in the catchment area, this may be an indicator that deposits are made primarily after branch closing. Many businesses now tend to take their cash sales to the bank daily to minimize the amount of cash left in the store.

Cash dispenser can be useful as a secondary device

In urban areas with a high population density, several deposits and withdrawals often take place in parallel. Here, in the interests of customer satisfaction - for example, by reducing waiting times - several cash recyclers should be used wherever possible. In rural areas or less busy branches, however, an ATM can make sense. For example, if only a few deposits are made, it can be used as a second device to an existing cash recycler to reduce waiting times for customers who only want to withdraw money, thus making a significant contribution to customer satisfaction.

Cash Recycler entlasten die Schaltermitarbeiter:innen

Cash recyclers reduce the workload of bank employees and enable them to focus on their core business

Bankgeschäfte automatisieren mit Cash Recyclern

Lots of transactions can be automated with a cash recycler.

The perfect device for your requirements from KEBA

You should always make the decision for a cash recycler or an ATM from an economic point of view. The aspects listed above, objectively and accurately analyzed, should make this decision easier for you.

Regardless of which variant you choose: You are always right with a KEBA cash recycler. The best components and sophisticated software solutions guarantee you maximum reliability. Our sales team will be happy to advise you and support you in your decision-making process.

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