Commerzbank invests in 800 ATMs from Austrian company KEBA

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Commerzbank is investing in its modern branch equipment and will gradually install 800 new ATMs in its nationwide branches until 2024. Again, the devices exclusively come from Austrian automation expert KEBA AG and combine deposit as well as withdrawal of banknotes and coins.

When selecting the evo series cash recyclers (KePlus RX10), attention was paid to contemporary safety requirements. The close production site of the cash recycling systems in Austria/Linz is also advantageous. The investment sum is in the double-digit million range.

Reliable technology critical to success
Reliable technology and ease of use are crucial for smooth cash management and customer acceptance. Arno Walter, Divisional Board Member for Wealth Management and Corporate Customers at Commerzbank, comments: "With the KEBA machines, we are using reliable technology in our branches with the best usability. To achieve this, we are investing a double-digit amount in millions of euros in modern hardware as well as maintenance and service.

Easy operability is crucial
For the cash recycling systems to be accepted by customers, intuitive operability is crucial. During the development phase, the KEBA self-service machines were, therefore, also tested by elderly people and people with disabilities. The results were a prominent user guidance concept, the clearly structured interaction surface "SmartSurface" and an elegant design that integrates seamlessly into branches and self-service locations. "This takes into account that the needs of customer groups vary. One of our most important performance factors is usability, according to our Easy to Use principle," emphasizes Gerhard Luftensteiner, Chairman of the Board and CEO of KEBA AG, and continues: " We are pleased that Commerzbank has once again chosen KEBA after an extensive benchmark analysis."

Energy-efficient cash handling guaranteed
The decision to use KEBA's cash recycler also makes a contribution to "Green IT". The ATMs of the evo series achieve almost a halving of power consumption compared to the predecessor models. For example, the machine switches to standby mode during non-transaction periods. When an operation is started, the system is nonetheless immediately ready for use by all bank customers.

Installation successfully started
Around 260 of the 800 new devices have already been successfully installed in Commerzbank branches. Beyond the bank's future branch network, customers will also be able to use additional self-service cash machines at selected locations and conduct their cash transactions around the clock.

The new KEBA Cash Recycler in the Commerzbank branch in Stuttgart

Easy handling for all is the focus of KEBA's developments.

Arno Walter, Divisional Board Member for Wealth Management and Corporate Customers at Commerzbank

Arno Walter, Divisional Board Member for Wealth Management and Corporate Customers at Commerzbank

Gerhard Luftensteiner, Chairman of the Board and CEO of KEBA AG

Gerhard Luftensteiner, Chairman of the Board and CEO of KEBA AG

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KEBA - Automation by innovation.