How cash recyclers develop their self-healing powers
- 29.6.2022
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Even if they rarely occur thanks to sophisticated technology: Note jams and standstills of self-service recyclers are a nuisance. They cause personnel expenses, unsettle or annoy your customers and, in the worst case, they even occur at the weekend. High availability of your self-service landscape is therefore not only an economic advantage but also has a direct influence on the satisfaction of your customers.
The evo series: the benchmark for the market
That is why KEBA has always focused on the highest possible availability. Technical finesse and high demands on our suppliers included. And with AutoRepair, the evo series also has a feature on board as a standard that can automatically prevent some of the faults. This makes the evo series the benchmark on the market when it comes to availability.
One step further: SmartRepair
SmartRepair goes one step further and solves note jams, which today lead to a standstill of the recycling module, completely automatically and without disrupting customer operations. Thanks to intelligent mechanisms and proven decision trees, the evo series cash recyclers develop self-healing powers and also relieve support staff.
Example: Customer deposit - before
The most frequent jams occur during separation because this is where crumpled banknotes have the most impact. These banknotes still belong to the customer, but can't be returned without SmartRepair. The banknotes are left somewhere along the transport route and the recycler goes out of operation - the ultimate desaster for customers because they receive neither their notes nor a receipt. The only option is to go to the counter or make an annoying call to the hotline.
Meanwhile, the red lights go on in the monitoring system. If the jam cannot be solved remotely, the value service provider is sent out to intervene manually. The service also works manually to reassure customers in this situation and books the suspected amount manually.
All in all a lot of trouble, effort, and headaches for all involved stakeholders: customers, service staff, and monitoring.
Customer deposit with SmartRepair - the after
SmartRepair detects the jam in the seperation unit. The system uses situation-dependent mechanisms to loosen the jammed note and transports the deposited banknotes back to the deposit/withdrawal tray. For your customers, no jam is visible - it seems as if the banknotes are simply not recognised. The banknotes can be removed and deposited again within the same transaction.
There is neither a breakdown nor manual work for monitoring or service staff. And most importantly: your customers don't notice the incident and can complete their transaction successfully.
Sounds good! What do the statistics say?
SmartRepair has already been able to prove its healing powers. More than 170 cash recyclers of the evo series were equipped with SmartRepair in the test phase and put under observation for over a year.
The impressive result: on average, 60% of all jams have been resolved automatically. And this with availability that had already set the benchmark on the market before
Large data centers are convinced and already rely on SmartRepair as a self-healing cure for their customers' KEBA cash recyclers. If you would also like to benefit from SmartRepair, approach your KEBA sales representative - or contact us via the contact form.

Note jams are most likely to occur when crumpled banknotes are deposited.