KEBA awarded Pegasus in bronze

The list of nominated companies was long and all of them are top companies in Upper Austrian industry. Therefore, we are particularly pleased that we were awarded the Pegasus in bronze in the category "Lighthouses" this year at the most important business award in Upper Austria.

The "Pegasus" has been organized since 1994 by the Oberösterreichische Nachrichten, Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich (Credit Institution), the province of Upper Austria, the Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Austrian Industries as well as KPMG (auditing company) and is highly coveted in Austria's number one industrial province.

The Lighthouses category honors companies that also stand out internationally due to their growth and innovative strength. The prize was awarded on June 10 at the Business Gala, which was attended by many well-known representatives from business and politics.

A great award that all KEBA employees are proud of!

The Pegasus award winners in the category Lighthouses (f.l.t.r.: Gerhard Luftensteiner, CEO KEBA; Andreas Fill, CEO Fill; Manfred Hackl, CEO Erema with Axel Greiner, President of Federation of Austrian Industries) © Picture: Volker Weihbold

KEBA - Automation by innovation.