Now available via the KEBA eMobility Portal

Great relief for charging costs: automatic charging reports by email

  • Knowledge
  • Charging
  • Private
  • Company Car
  • Billing
Company car drivers and fleet managers in particular benefit from this practical digital service when it comes to creating customised charging reports for invoicing.

Thanks to our wallboxes with a certified meter, charging sessions can be recorded to the exact kilowatt hour and thus billed to your employer, customers or guests, for example. This service is available to all users who have registered their KEBA KeContact P30 or P40 in the KEBA eMobility Portal.

The report provides an overview of all charging sessions that have taken place in a time interval, but also shows all the details of each charging session. This makes it clear who has charged how much and when. Fleet managers can create multiple reports with different email recipient lists or overall reports and thus customise the billing of employees to suit their needs. Company car drivers can automatically transmit the energy charged at home to their employer for billing via a monthly charging report.

Activation is very simple:

  • Register under this link and create your own KEBA eMobility Portal Account
  • Activate the "Automatic charging report" feature in the portal menu under "Charging reports by email" and create your individual and regular charging report under "Add report".

You can find more information about the KEBA eMobility Portal here or in our FAQs.

Overview of charging reports already created
Overview of charging reports already created
A new loading report can be customised via "Add report"
A new loading report can be customised via "Add report"
You will receive the charging session report as a pdf or csv file by email at the desired time interval
You will receive the charging session report as a pdf or csv file by email at the desired time interval

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KEBA - Automation by innovation.