KEBA receives E.V. Ready mark as first company worldwide

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KEBA is the first manufacturer of charging stations worldwide that has received the E.V. Ready 1.4B certification of the French approval authority Asefa.

Quality feature in France

The E.V. Ready certification mark is an important quality feature for charging stations in France. It provides answers to the questions of interoperability, security and performance for electrical and hybrid rechargeable vehicle charging stations. The E.V. Ready certification mark was elaborated by different stakeholders such as automotive manufacturers, installers, utilities and other suppliers under the lead of Renault and Nissan.

Certification process

As an applicant for the E.V. Ready mark, KEBA had to undergo a complex certification process as well as a factory inspection by the approval authority Asefa.

Part of the "Livre Vert"

The E.V. Ready mark is also part of the „Livre Vert“ (also called Greenbook) which is a guidance for E.V. charging infrastructure published by the French government. It regulates the fulfillment of installation standards and communication norms and the “E.V. 1.4 Ready” certificate of charging stations.

E.V. Ready Zertifikat (Asefa) für die KEBA Wallbox

E.V. Ready certificate for KEBA's wallbox


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KEBA - Automation by innovation.