Icelandic Pósturinn relies on KePol parcel lockers
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- 26.11.2020
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Pósturinn, the national postal service organization of Iceland has chosen KEBA AG as the preferred partner and supplier for scaling-up their parcel locker network across the country.
Unique reliability and TCO as the decisive factors
KEBA AG was selected among all bidders due to the lowest TCO (total cost of ownership) that her KePol parcel locker solution offers. Furthermore, KEBA’s vast experience and references in countries with harsh environments such as those located in Northern Europe were determining factors. The contract scope includes the supply of 30 rugged KePol FS-09 outdoor lockers running the latest version of the KePol Software Suite as well as the required IT infrastructure and service & support.
Improved convenience for Pósturinn’s customers
Pósturinn now can offer an innovative and convenient 24/7 parcel service available throughout the whole year. Customers benefit from the great flexibility to pick up and drop off their parcels whenever they want. The dependence of limiting post office opening hours becomes a thing of the past.
KePol FS-09 of Pósturinn