“Great exchange of experiences and new insights to think about”

Leaders in Logistics Summit 2022

  • Events
Copenhagen | 22 - 23 March, 2022

These are our key takeaways of the “Leaders in Logistics Summit 2022” that took place in Copenhagen last week.

  • Sustainable growth

The current growth of parcel volume is not sustainable unless innovative technology such as PUDOs (Pick up and Drop off) and parcel lockers are adopted by couriers and postal companies.

  • Environmentally friendly

The use of PUDOs and parcel lockers reduces the number of kilometers driven by couriers and, therefore, decreases considerably the CO2 emissions.

  • Corporate social responsibility

Consumers are more conscious about sustainability in the delivery of goods and prefer the services provided by companies that are committed to the protection of the environment and offer fair working conditions to their employees.

We are proud that KEBA values are in line with all these factors.

We really enjoyed having the chance of meeting our customers face-to-face and doing some networking in person again.

Save the Date:
KEBA @ WMX EMEA in Dubai from 10-12 May, 2022.

Do you want to know more about logistic solutions from KEBA?


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KePol @WMX Europe 2018: Delivery guaranteed

Are you tired of unsuccessful and costly delivery attempts? Then rely on the proven, 24/7 available KePol parcel lockers! With these self-service automates you boost the efficiency of your deliveries and cut your costs. In addition, you increase the satisfaction of your customers. Learn more about the guaranteed delivery with KePol and visit us in London at the WMX Europe 2018 - Stand 7.

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KEBA - Automation by innovation.