KEBA’s 500th cash recycling ATM from its new evo series is now operational at a branch of Credito Cooperativo Friuli in sunny Italy
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An even stronger partnership between KEBA and CrediFriuli
KEBA first presented its evo series to the general public in Italy in September 2017. The Ferrari Museum in Maranello, a small town near Bologna, was chosen as the venue for this presentation.
CrediFriuli, which with its 34 branch locations stands out in the region for its grassroots coverage and accessibility to customers, was very impressed with the new line’s compact size, design and flexibility. This strong first impression has given way to a broader partnership, building further on the trust already placed in the previous line of KePlus X6se units.
Enthusiastic response to the evo series
Payment by check is very common in Italy, and the new generation of evo products includes a check-scanning module as part of the basic system, despite its extremely compact size, measuring just 60 cm wide. The machine’s compact size saves space and makes it easy to install and integrate into a branch layout, another strong point of the system in the eyes of CrediFriuli, alongside its design and development approach focused on a user-friendly control scheme.
Mr. Mauro Zanutti, Bank Organization Service Manager, also discussed a few other reasons for choosing evo: “We opted for evo because its video system allows us to offer a wide range of flexible services. It also offers the possibility to connect with our call center, which gives us numerous options on how we design our branch locations. Furthermore evo has a very modern design and is a perfect fit for our new branches.”
CrediFriuli is currently using six KePlus F10 cash-recycling ATMs supplied by KEBA. Gerhard Luftensteiner, KEBA’s CEO, is enthusiastic about the strong partnership in Italy: “I attended the evo launch event in September and was very pleased to see CrediFriuli place its full trust in our new line of ATMs. With evo the bank is even better placed to meet the needs of the Italian market. Check deposit and verified deposit and withdrawal are now standard features, embedded in a very modern and compact design. I am very happy to hear about the positive feedback from Italy.”
KEBA can celebrate twice
In addition to installing its 500th evo cash-recycling ATM in Italy, KEBA has also ordered its 1,000th cash-recycling module of the evo series from the company’s long-standing development partner Hitachi Omron Terminal Solutions (HOTS) as part of the co-creation process. Some of these core pieces will soon be on their way to beautiful Italy.
KEBA is a successful international electronics company based in Linz, Austria, with subsidiaries in Germany, Romania, Turkey, Italy, the Czech Republic and Holland as well as the US, China, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea. Following the core principle of “automation by innovation”, KEBA has been developing and producing innovative, high-quality solutions for industrial, banking and service automation and energy automation for 50 years and is constantly setting new trends with its new solutions. As a technology and innovation leader, KEBA has long been focusing on the future-proof concept of cash recycling. KEBA’s evo series offers a new dimension in cash recycling.
Credito Cooperativo Friuli Sc
Credito Cooperativo Friuli Sc is a cooperative bank with more than 9,200 shareholder-members.
Formed in 2001 through the merger of Banca di Credito Cooperativo Alto Friuli and Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Cervignano del Friuli, it has stayed true to its origins as a local bank with an intimate understanding of its home community and a remains leading cooperative bank at the regional level in terms of solidity and profitability.
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